
The power of attorney appointing an approved agent shall be filed together with
the application under regulation 4(1), or where the power of attorney is not
available at the time of filing the application, it shall be filed within 2 months of
the filing date of the application.


Where the power of attorney is not filed within the period specified in paragraph
(2), any procedural steps taken by the legal practitioner or the approved agent,
other than the filing of the application, shall be deemed not to have been done.


Where, even if filed within the period of 2 months specified in paragraph (2), the
power of attorney does not comply with section 49 of the Act, any procedural
steps taken by the approved, agent, other than the filing of the application, shall
be deemed not to have been done.


The classification of patents shall be in accordance with the Strasbourg
Agreement of 1971 as subsequently revised (International Patent Classification),
for all purposes relating to the grant and publication of patents, as well as for the
maintenance of classified search files.



An application for a patent shall be in the form specified in the Second Schedule.


All elements of the application attached to a prescribed form shall be on paper
which shall be flexible, strong, white, smooth, non-shiny and durable.


An application under paragraph (1) shall also -


indicate each applicant's name, address, nationality and residence;


indicate the name and address of the inventor or a statement showing the
entitlement to the invention by the applicant;

Select target paragraph3