(5) Public libraries and archives services shall be authorized to reproduce a published

work for their internal purposes such as restoration of damaged copies or replacement of lost
copies or of a manuscript and the same shall apply to inter-library or inter-archive exchange.
(6) Educational institutions shall be authorized to reproduce short works, articles or
short part of a published work as well as to incorporate them in the school broadcasts or
sound recordings for the non-commercial purpose of illustrating in the teaching process.
(7) Private commercial research institutions shall be authorized to reproduce scientific
articles, short scientific works or short parts thereof exclusively for internal purposes to
satisfy the requirements of persons studying or carrying out research work.
(8) It shall be permissible to reproduce a published work for the purpose of judicial
proceedings to the extent justified by this purpose.
(9) Broadcasting organizations shall be authorized to make with the aid of their own
equipment ephemeral recordings of works for their broadcasting purposes; such recordings
shall be destroyed within six months after their making but a copy of such recordings may be
kept in official archives for documentary purposes.
(10) The persons who legally acquire a copy of a computer program or of an electronic
data bank shall be authorized to adapt them for the purposes for which these works have been
acquired as well as to make back-up copies thereof exclusively for the purpose of
safeguarding the acquired originals.
Part IV

Transfer of Ownership of Copyright

Transfer of Moral and Financial Rights
15.—(1) Moral and financial rights of an author are imprescriptible.
(2) The author may transfer to any person all or any of his moral and economic rights,
provided that such transfer shall not be valid unless it is made in writing and signed by the
owner of the rights or his agent and is registered in the Registrar’s Office; such transfer shall
contain expressly and with all the necessary details the right transferred, the period and place
of its exploitation, the amount of the author’s remuneration and such other conditions as may
be necessary for the better execution of copyright ownership.
Use of Copyright
16.—(1) The users shall be obliged to exploit the work in full conformity with the
terms and conditions laid down in the contract of transfer of copyright. The author shall
refrain from doing any act which is likely to hinder the use of the right transferred;
nevertheless the author may, with the consent of the person to whom the right has been
transferred, stop his work from been circulated or make any alteration, deletion or addition

Select target paragraph3