- By virtue of the Constitution, especially Articles 38, 122 and 124 therein,
- In accordance with Order (Act) No.66-154 dated 18 Safar 1386 corresponding to June 8, 1966,
which includes the Civil Procedures Law, as amended and supplemented,
- In accordance with Order No. 66-155 dated 18 Safar 1386 corresponding to June 8, 1966,
which includes the Penal Procedures Law, as amended and supplemented,
- In accordance with Order No. 66-156 dated 18 Safar 1386 corresponding to June 8, 1966,
which includes the Penal Law, as amended and supplemented,
- In accordance with Order No. 73-26 dated 4 Jumada I, 1393 corresponding to June 5, 1973,
which includes Algeria’s joining the World Copyright Convention (1952) as revised in Paris on
July 24, 1971,
- In accordance with Order No. 75-58 dated 20 Ramadan 1395 corresponding to September 26,
1975, which includes the Civil Law, as amended and supplemented,
- In accordance with Order No. 75-59 dated 20 Ramadan 1395 corresponding to September 26,
1975, which includes the Trade Law, as amended and supplemented,
- In accordance with Law No. 84-11 dated 9 Ramadan 1404 corresponding to June 9, 1984,
which includes the Family Law,
- In accordance with Law No. 90-22 dated 27 Muharram 1411 corresponding to August 18, 1990
related to Commercial Registration, as amended and supplemented,
- In accordance with Order No. 96-16 dated 16 Safar 1417 corresponding to July 2, 1996 related
to Legal Filing,
- In accordance with Order No. 97-10 dated 27 Shawwal 1417 corresponding to March 6, 1997
related to Copyrights and Neighboring Rights,
- In accordance with Order No. 03-03 dated 19 Jumada I, 1424 corresponding to July 19, 2003
related to Competition,
- In accordance with Presidential Decree No. 97-341 dated 11 Jumada I, 1418 corresponding to
September 13, 1997, which includes the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria’s joining, with
reservation, the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (1886) as
complemented in Paris on May 4, 1896, as amended in Berlin on November 13, 1908, as
complemented in Berne on March 20, 1914, as amended in Rome on June 2, 1928, Brussels on
June 26, 1948, Stockholm on July 14, 1967 and Paris on July 24, 1971 and as amended on