(a) photographic pictures and cinematographic films and other audiovisual works;
(b) works which are published for the first time after the author’s death; where the
work consists of several parts or volumes so that each part or volume shall be published
separately or at different dates, each part or volume shall be considered to be an independent
work for the purpose of calculating the term of protection;
(c) works published under unknown pseudonym or anonymously; the term shall start
to run from the date of first publication regardless of any re-publication unless the author has
made substantial alterations on his work so that it may be regarded as a new work.
(4) In relation to a joint work the period shall start to run from the date of death of the
last surviving author.
Restrictions on Copyright
14.—(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 8(2) newspapers, magazines,
periodicals, radio and television may:
(a) publish a quotation, summary or brief announcement from a work for the purposes
of analysis, study, culture or information;
(b) reproduce essays or lectures or speeches concerning political, economic, scientific,
religious or social discussions which were the focus of public opinion at the time such
discussions were made;
(c) publish or convey any photograph taken on the occasion of a public event or a
photograph concerning an official or famous person; in all such cases the title of the work
reproduced and the name of its author shall be mentioned.
(2) Musical bands belonging to the People’s Armed Forces, the Police, the People’s
Local Government Councils and school theatres may play, act perform or exhibit any work
after the publication thereof, provided that no money consideration shall be made therefrom.
(3) In connection with publication of school textbooks or books prepared for
educational purposes or books of history, literature or art, it shall be allowed:
(a) to make short quotations from works already published;
(b) to reproduce any published drawing, photograph, design, inscription or map
provided that such reproduction is restricted to what is necessary for the purpose of
illustrating the written text;
(c) In cases (a) and (b), the title of the work reproduced and the name of its author shall
be mentioned.
(4) It shall be allowed to reproduce, translate or adapt a published work for personal
and private use but this shall not apply to computer programs, data banks and scores of a
musical work.

Select target paragraph3