therein. In the event of disagreement between the parties, the author shall be obliged to pay

fair compensation to the other party as the court may decide.
(2) Transfer of author’s economic rights in future works is null and void.
(3) Author’s authorization to use his work may be granted on exclusive or nonexclusive basis.
(4) Transfer of an exclusive right to a user entitles him to use the work to the exclusion
of all persons, including the author himself, and to grant non-exclusive rights to other persons.
(5) Transfer of a non-exclusive right to a user shall entitle him to use the work
concurrently with the author in the manner mentioned in the contract.
Publishing Contract
17.—(1) A publishing contract is a written agreement between the author and a
publisher with regard to publication of a given work and its distribution to the public upon
payment of a remuneration to the author.
(2) A publishing contract shall specify, in addition to other conditions, the conditions
specified in the rules.
Public Performance Contract
18.—(1) By virtue of a public performance contract, the author transfers to a natural
person or legal entity the right to perform his work in public against remuneration.
(2) A publishing contract shall specify, in addition to other conditions, the conditions
specified in the rules.
Vesting of Ownership of Copyright on Author’s Death
19.—(1) On the death of the author his right, except to a share in a work, shall vest in
his heirs unless the author named other persons or organizations for this purpose in his will.
(2) Author’s economic rights shall be owned by his heirs and such other persons as
may be mentioned in the author’s will, provided that:
(a) where the author has entered into a written contract with a third party in relation to
the use of his work, such contract shall be executed in accordance with the provisions
contained therein;
(b) where the deceased author in his will, prohibits publication or fixes a date thereof,
such will shall be executed to that extent.
(3) In the case of a joint work, where one of the co-author’s dies leaving no heirs his
share shall vest in the State unless there is a written agreement to the contrary.

Select target paragraph3