18 CAP. 400]

Contents of


14. (1) Every specification shall indicate whether it is a provi­
sional or a complete specification and shall commence with a title
sufficiently indicating the subject to which the relevant invention
(2) A provisional specification shall fairly describe the invention.
(3) A complete specification shall­
(a)	 fully describe the invention and the manner in which it is to

be performed;
(b)	 disclose the best method of performing the invention

known to the applicant at the time when the specification is
lodged at the Patent Office; and
(c)	 end with a claim or claims defining the subject-matter for

which protection is claimed.
(4) The claim or claims of a complete specification must relate to
a single invention, must be clear and succinct, and must be fairly
based on the matter disclosed in the specification.
(5) Every specification shall be accompanied by drawings if
required by the Registrar, and such drawings shall be deemed to be
part of the specification, but if drawings which accompanied a pro­
visional specification are sufficient for the purpose of a complete
specification, it shall suffice if that complete specification refers to
such drawings.
(6) Subject to the foregoing provisions of this section, a complete
specification lodged at the Patent Office after a provisional specifi­
cation, or with a convention application, may include claims in
respect of developments of or additions to the invention which was
described in the provisional specification or, as the case may be, in
respect of which application for protection was made in a convention
country, being developments of or additions in respect of which the
applicant would be entitled to make a separate application for a
Provided that an application shall, in so far as the complete speci­
fication contains claims in respect of any such developments or addi­
tions. be deemed to have been made on the date on which the com­
plete specification was lodged at the Patent Office.
(7) Where a complete specification claims a new substance, the
claim shall be construed as not extending to that substance when
found in nature.
Effective date
of claims of

15. (1) Every claim of a complete specification shall have effect
from the date prescribed by this section in relation to that claim and
a patent shall not be invalidated by reason only of the publication or
use of the invention, so far as claimed in any claim of the complete

Select target paragraph3