(2) Any other document so referred to shall, unless the
Registrar otherwise directs, be produced to him with the
application and a certified copy of any such document shall
be filed.
21. An application under rule 19(1) of these Rules shall
contain the name, address and nationality of the person
claiming or stated to be entitled together with full particula~s of the instrument, if any, under which title is claimed
or given.
22. Where the name of a person is entered in the Register
as mortgagee or licensee, such person may on making an
application for the purpose on Form 10 have a note entered
in the register, that he no-longer claims to be mortgagee or
licensee, as the case mav be.
23. (1) An application by a patentee for the alteration of
a name, nationality, or address or address for service
entered on the register in respect of his invention shall be
made on Form 11.
(2) Before acting on a request to alter a name or nationality the Registrar may require such proof of the alteration
as he thinks fit.
(3) If the Registrar is satisfied that the request should be
allowed, he shall cause the Register to be altered

24. \Vhere an applicant for the grant of a patent or a
patentee desires to correct any error, he shall make the
application on Form 12.

25. (1) Where a patentee desires to cancel his grant, he
shall make the application in a written declaration
accompanied by the patent.
(2) Where the application relates to some of the claims
only made by the patent the written declaration shall not be
accompanied by the paten t; and the Registrar shall register
the cancellation of the particular claims only and notify the
applicant accordingly.
(3) Where the applicant relates to a patent as to which a
contractuitl licence or licence of right is registered, the
written consent of the licensee shall be attached to the
written declaration, othenvise, the application for surrender
shall not be registered.

Select target paragraph3