18. (1) Patents Form No.5 together with the prescribed
fee shall be lodged in the Patent Office not later than the
due date, otherwise the patent will cease. Only one half of
such prescribed fees is payable if, and so long as, the Patent
is endorsed "Licences of Right"-this reduction takes effect
in relation to the annual fees first payable after the date of
the entry. If the form wi th the fee is not lodged in the Patent
Office until after that date it cannot be accepted unless
application for an extension of time is made on Patents
Form No. 6 accompanied by the prescribed surcharge fee
for this purpose; extension beyond six months cannot be

(2) No reduction of extension fees shall be made in the
case of a patent endorsed "Licences of Right".
(3) Patents fees shall be paid direct to the Patent Office
by means of money orders, postal orders, banker's draft and
banker's cheques, (adhesive stamps shall not be accepted in
payment of fees), the prescribed fee must be submitted
together with the appropriate completed Patents Form; in
addition each form or batch of forms shall be accompanied
by a fee sheet showing details of the form and the amount of
the fee. Money orders, etc. shall be made payable to "The
Registrar of Patents, Federal Ministry of Trade, Federal
Capital Territory, Abuja", and crossed. Patents forms
together with the fees and fee sheets may be delivered to the
Patent Office in Abuja either by hand or by registered post.

19. (1) An application for the registration of the title of
any person becoming entitled by assignment, transmission
or operation of law to a patent or to a patent application or
becoming entitled as mortgagee, licensee or otherwise to
any interest in a patent shall be made to the Registrar on
Form 8.

(2) Application may be made on Form 9 for entry in the
Register of notification of any other document purporting to
affect the proprietorship of a patent.
20. (1) An,official or certified copy of any instrument or

other document which is referred to in an application under
rule 19 and is a matter of record in the Federation shall be
produced to the Regist'rar wi th the application.

Select target paragraph3