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f{1 ft~C~' (1.-'" n'"/f1ll Ifci' "'.f11m- n-"ltJ.'.~
rhC9":&tm- oolt'"/r.)'
nh"i'j"J.'. It.IliI

No 37 711,

Page )~~()

" 21 The court shall, without summoniong the

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defendant, have the power to adopt provisional
mea.sures where it finds i~ a,ppropriate, in
~artlcular where any delay. IS lIkely to cause
~rreparableharm tolhe.appllca.nt ~r wnere th~re
IS a demonstrable risk of evidence being

1:1 -"h"j'i. oo-fl-,' hoof'lil h -"~.:J""'fl fl.,.ll1
),iI "J.'. m-".,. hilhO'/,"'~-' ;f.'lil h"i'j.
3/ in a s~it for restrainino the defendant from
f001).}' '1(1,,-,. ItO'/iI.y.9u 'I.tLf'f
fh"/"", .committing
an infringe:ent, the plaintiff may
h-"~_,,,/r ft~C;f.' (1.-1:-" 00111f:"
apply to the coort for a temporary injunction to
J.'.~"A j
restrain the infringements until the suit is
disposed of;


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ooUIl.)' n'I'lntt.).
fh'"/,P,- .}'htrtl 'rf-l:
"J.'. "'.OJiI-" i


The C6urt, in deciding on an application of
injunction submitted under Sub-Article (3) of
this Article,

Vi ny,,:J "J.'. fOJY,"'OJ' 'r:,.yu
"_7\/..-" fO'/ J.'.:r'A oolf.,.'" i ny,;Ja>f°'/ J.',"'C oolf.,'-" i r), ,. '}..,.II~,,'
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,f~ ""/.f.' hUO{)111'f:n~,'1' flh "}'{.,~
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II"'I.CJ 1.'" f".tJJl'1r.o)o"} "£:9"'1>: t\"7.,..'7iAT
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uo,,J'f"" hftn..,' f

a). shall consider if the threat~ned interest
cannot be redressed.b~ aw~rdlng dama¥es,
wh~ther the threat IS I~mlnent: the prl~a
strength of the action and the gravity
of the prejudices a decision for or against
may causeto either of the parties;
b) may determine the duration of the"
injunction and the amount of inoney to be
deposited or other security to be furnish.ed
by the applicant, as it thinks fit;

may make a deeper investigation of the
relative strength of the pahies before
granting th.e temporary '+njunction where
the applieation of the criteria under
paragraph (a) of thJ~ Sub-Article put the
parties'on equal position.

51 Where an-act that infringes the rights protected
under this ofProclamation
is committed,
the Civil Procedure
Code and the
Criminaf Procedure Code on searchand seizure
shall be appficable,
6/ Where provisional measureshave been adopted
without summoning the defendant; he shall be
given notice, without delay after the 'execution
of the measures at the latest. A review,
including a right to be heard, shall tak(:.place
upon request of the defendant with a view to
dec}ding: Within a reasonable period after the
notification shall
of the
be l11easure,


Select target paragraph3