Patents and Designs Act

Cap. 344.

Date of Patent .................. .
Date of Sealing ................ ..
Patent No ....................... ..
The President.
\VHEREAS a request for the grant of a patent has been made by
for the sole use and advantage of an invention for
AND WHEREAS the Federal Government being willing to encourage all
inventions which may be for the public good, is pleased to accede to the
KNOW YEo THEREFORE, that I, do by this Instrument give and grant unto
the person(s) above named and any succcssor(s), executor(s), administrator(s) and assi~n(s) (each and any of whom are hereinafter referred
to as the patentee) my especial licence, full power. sole privilege and
authority, that the patentee or any agent or licensee of the patentee may
subject to the conditions and provisions prescribed by any statute or
order for the time being in force at all times hereafter during the term of
years herein mentioned, make, use, exercise and \'end the said invention throughout the Federal Republic of Nigeria. and that the patentee
shall have and enjoy the whole profit and advantage from time to time
accruing by reason of the said invention during the term of twenty years
from the date first above written on this Instrument: A\,D to the end that
the patentee may have and enjoy the sole use and exercise of the full
benefit of the said invention, I do by this Instrument strictly command
all citizens of the Federal Republic of Nigeria that they do not at any
time during the continuance of the said term either directly or indirectly
make use of or put in practice the said invention, nor inanywise imit~te
the same, without the written consent, licence or agreement of the
patentee, on pain of incurring such penalties as may be justly inflicted
on such offenders, and of being answerable to the patentee according to
law for damages thereby occasioned:
PROVIDED ALWAYS that this patent shall be revocable on any of the
grounds from time to time by law prescribed as grounds for revoking
patents granted by me, and the same may be revoked and made void
PROVIDED ALSO that nothing herein contained shall prevent the
granting of licences in such manner and for such considerations as they
may by law be granted.
MADE THrS ....................... dar of
........................... One thousand
nine hundred and ..................... ..

Registrar of Parellls and Designs

Select target paragraph3