44. (1) On the grant of a contractual licence the licensee
shall apply on Form 16 for the registration thereof and the
original and an attested copy of the relevant documents
shall be filed along with the said Form; the original shall be
returned to the applicant after the registration of the

(2) No contractual licence shall have effect against third
parties unless the provision of paragraph (1) of this rule is
complied with.
(3) The Registrar shall on receipt of the application
register the said licence and return to the applicant the
original documents evide-ncing the grant.

45. In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires,
the following expressions have the meanings hereby
assigned to them respectively, that is to say"agent" means an agent duly authorised to the satisfaction
of the Registrar;
"convention application" means an application in Nigeria
under section 27 of the Act;
"Act" means the Patents and Designs Act;

Cap. 192.

"the Journal" means the Patents and Designs Journal
published under section 28(6) of the Act;
"the office" means the Patents Branch of the Federal
Ministry of Trade, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja;
"specification" means the description of the relevant invention in a manner sufficiently clear and complete for the
invention to be put into effect by a person skilled in the
art or field of knowledge to which the invention relates,
including claim or claims and with any appropriate
plans and drawings.
Short title.

46. These Rules may be cited as the Patents Rules.

Select target paragraph3