"Government agency" means any Federal or State Ministry or Department of Government, and includes(a) a voluntary agency hospital, that is to say, an hospital in Nigeria (not being a hospital operated by the
government) which is wholly or partly maintained by the Federation or a State by way of grant in aid
or otherwise;
(b) a local authority, that is to say, any administration, council or other authority exercising limited
governmental powers in a defined area within a State;
(c) a statutory corporation, that is to say, a body corporate directly established by law to which in the
performance of its functions the Government or a Minister is empowered by law to give directions;
(d) Any company which is owned or controlled by the Government;
"Ministry" means a Federal or State Ministry or Department of Government;
"Minister" means a Minister of the Federation and a State Commissioner;
"Period of emergency" means any period of emergency however declared or notified by or on behalf of
the Government or any successor Government;
"Person" includes the Government or a Ministry;
"War" includes civil war.