Chapter 2
Author & Rights Ownership Evidence
Article 12: The author of a literary or artistic work, within the context of this Order, shall be the
natural person who creates it.
The nominal person may be considered as the author in the cases provided for herein.
Article 13: Unless otherwise proven, the copyrights owner shall be considered the natural or
nominal person who proclaims the work under his name, legally offers it to the public or submits
a proclamation in his name to the National Bureau of Copyrights and Neighboring Rights,
provided for in Article 131 herein.
In case a work is published without the name of its author, the person who legally offers it to the
public shall be considered a representative of rights owner, unless otherwise is proven.
In case an anonymous work is published without indicating the identity of the person who offers
it to the public, the National Bureau of Copyrights and Neighboring Rights shall practice the
related rights until the rights owner is identified.
Article 14: The “Compound Work” shall be the work in which a work or components of original
works are merged by intellectual incorporation, approximation or conversion without the
participation of the author of the original work or the work components incorporated therein.
The rights of “Compound Work” shall be owned by the person who creates the work subject to
the copyrights of the original work.
Article 15: A work shall be classified as “joint work” if several authors participated in its
creation or accomplishment.
The “joint” work may not be disclosed except under conditions agreed upon by the rights
The rights of the work shall belong to all its authors. Such rights shall be practiced in accordance
with conditions agreed upon among them. In case an agreement is not reached, the provisions
related to commons shall be applicable.
Each contributor to the joint work may not oppose the work utilization in the form agreed upon
without justification.
Each author of the joint work shall be allowed to utilize the part he contributed to the disclosed
work, unless such utilization would cause damage to the utilization of the work as a whole,
subject to indicating the source. Any condition in contrary thereto shall be void.
Article 16: A work where any natural person can directly contribute to its intellectual creation
shall be categorized as audiovisual work.
The following persons shall be, in particular, participants in the audiovisual work:
- The scenarist,
- The adaptation author,
- The author of the dialogue or uttered text,
- The director,
- The author of original work in case the audiovisual work is adapted from an original work,
- The composer of the musical work with or without words, which is particularly prepared for the

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