Definition of Authorization

30.—(1) In the absence of any agreement to the contrary or of special circumstances of
employment from which the contrary could be inferred:
(a) the authorization to broadcast shall not imply an authorization to allow other
broadcasting organizations to broadcast the performance;
(b) the authorization to broadcast shall not imply an authorization to reproduce the
(c) the authorization to broadcast and fix the performance shall not imply an
authorization to reproduce the fixation;
(d) the authorization to fix the performance and to reproduce the fixation shall not
imply an authorization to broadcast the performance from the fixation or any reproduction of
such fixation.
(2) Nothing in this section shall be construed to deprive performers of the right to agree
by contract on terms more favourable to them in respect of any use of their performance.
Rights of the Producer of Sound and Audiovisual Recordings
31.—(1) A producer of sound or audiovisual recordings shall have the right to
authorize other persons:
(a) to directly or indirectly reproduce their recordings;
(b) to import such recordings for the purposes of distribution;
(c) to distribute their recordings to the public.
(2) A producer of sound or audiovisual recording shall have the right to equitable
Rights of Broadcasting Organization
32. A broadcasting organization shall have the right to authorize:
(a) the rebroadcasting of its broadcast;
(b) the fixation of its broadcast;
(c) the reproduction of the fixation of each broadcast where the fixation from which the
reproduction is made was effected without its authorization or was made in accordance with
section 33 of the Act but the reproduction is made for different purposes.

Select target paragraph3