Negarit Gazeta -
No. 25 -
lOth May 1995 -
Page 219
In the absence of an agreement to the contrary, the
right to a patent for an invention made in the execu
tion of a contract of
belong to the person having
employment shall
commissioned the work
or the employer.
4·. Invention made without 8IIly relation to an employ
ment or service contract and without the use of the
employer's resources, data, means, materials or equip
ment shall helong solely to the employee or the per·
son commissioned.
In the absence of an express
term to the contrary,
inventions made by <the employee or person commis
sioned which do not come within sub-article 3 of this
article anti which result from both the personal con
tribution of the author and the resources, data, means,
materials or equipment of the
shall be
8. Naming of Lnoentor
The inventor shall he named as such in the
and the patent unless in a special written declaration 00
dressed to the commission he indicates that he wishes not
to be named, and any promise or undertaking by the in
ventor made to any person to the effect that he will make
such declaration shall be without legal effect.
Section 3
Anplicatioti and Examination of Patents
9. Applicotion
1. The person having the right to a patent for an inven
tion in accordance with Article 7 may. llpon payment
of the prescribed fees, apply
commission for
the grant of a patent for that invention.
Application shall be made in writing and shall relate
to one invention only. However, two or more inven
tions, belonging to
single general concept. mav be
filed as one application.
The application shall contain a request for the grant
of a patent and include a description of the invention.
one or more claims, an abstract, and where necessary.
In accordance with sub-article (3) of this article:
a) the request shall contain a petition to the effect
that a patent be granted. the name of and other
prescribed data concerning
the applicant. the
inventor and the agent. if any. and the title of
the invention. Where the
applicant is not the
inventor, 'the application shall
contain a stale
right to th