No. 22 of 2016]
Industrial Design
who has died, become bankrupt or assigned their
estate; or
(d) person recognised by law, representing a child, a
person of unsound mind or a person with a legal
“licensee” means a person who has been permitted by a
proprietor of a design to exploit the protected design in
accordance with the terms and conditions specified in a
licence contract;
“novelty” means the newness of a design in terms of features
or appearance;
“officer” means an employee of the Agency;
“Paris Convention” means the Convention for the Protection
of Industrial Property signed at Paris on March 20, 1883;
“practitioner” has the same meaning assigned to it by the
Legal Practitioners Act;
“product” means any industrial or handicraft item other than
a computer program and includes packaging, getup, graphic
symbols, typographic typefaces and parts intended to be
assembled into a complex product;
“proprietor” means a legal owner of a design which was not
exploited anywhere else in the world before it was exploited
in Zambia or in a conventional country and includes the
creator of the design;
“Register” means the Register of Designs established and
maintained in accordance with section ten;
“Registrar” means the person appointed as Registrar in
accordance with the Patents and Companies Registration
Agency Act, 2010;
“repealed Act” means the Registered Designs Act, 1958;
“release date” means the date on which the design was first
made available to the public in Zambia or elsewhere with
the consent of the proprietor or any predecessor in title;
“WIPO” means the World Intellectual Property Organisation
established on July 14, 1967.
Act to bind
This Act shall bind the Republic.