a mark the use of which is an offence under paragraph (a).
(c) Uses a mark duly registered by another person under this Act for the
purpose of advertising in the public press or in any other manner, goods
in respect of which the mark is registered.
(d) Marks, engraves, prints, or sells, any plate, dye, block or other
representation of a mark duly registered by another persons, or any
imitation thereof for the purpose of enabling any person other than the
registered owner of such mark to make any use of such mark which is an
offence under subsection (a), (b) and (c).
(e) Marks, packs or wraps, sells, store for the purpose of sale or exposes
for sale, goods so got-up, packed, wrapped or otherwise prepared as to
lead intending purchasers to believe that they are goods of another
manufacturer or for the purpose of this subsection it shall be immaterial
whether the goods, the packing, wrapping or get-up of which is imitated,
bear a duly registered trade mark or not.
(f) To make direct or indirect use of a false or deceptive indication of
origin even if the true origin of the product is indicated or if the indication
of origin is accompanied by terms such as “kind”, “type,” “make,”
“limitation” or the like.
(g) Imports any goods bearing a mark which would constitute an
infringement of a duly registered mark or imports goods so got-up,
wrapped, packed or prepared as to enable such goods to be passed off as
the goods of another manufacturer.
(7) The Court before which any person charged under the foregoing
subsection is brought, may order that all goods, wrapping, packing and
advertising material, and blocks discs, and other apparatus and material
for printing the mark or packing, wrapping advertising or other material in
respect of which the offence is committed, be confiscated and destroyed.
Cognisance of Offences
28. Offences against this Act shall be tried a Court of a Magistrate of first
class or by any superior Court.
Power of Minister
29. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Act the Minister may from time to
time make such Rules, prescribe such forms, and generally do such things
as he may think expedient:
(a) for regulating the procedure under this Act.