Negarit Gazeta -

No. 25 -

lOth May 1995 -

Page 223

Section 5

of Introduction

18.	 IssuanLe of a Patent of Introduction
A patent of introduction may be

issued to

an invention

which has been patented abroad and not expired but


not been patented in Ethiopia following a declaration by
the interested party for which he takes full responsibility.

19.	 ReqlLirclncnts and Conditions for a Patent 0,1 Introduction

The requirements and conditions for a patent of in­
troduction sball be the same as those prescribed for a
patent of invention and shall be subject to the same


Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-article (1) here
in above, an applicant for a patent of introduction
shall indicate on the application the number, date
and origin of the foreign patent or the requisite
. .llimILDDt_­


20.	 Invalidation 0,1 a Patent of Introduction

A patent of introduction shall be considered null and
void where the owner of the foreign patent files a cor­
responding application before the

expiration of the

period of one year as provided for 'in article 11 (2) of
this proclamation or the owner of the patent of intro­
duetion fails to prove working of the invention or pay
the annual fee as required under

article 21 of this


Invalidation of patent of introduction shall be declar­
ed by court upon request by an

interested party in

accordance with the provisions of Article 36 of this

21.	 Duration of a Patent of Introduction
A patent of int~oduction may

be valid for a period that

may extend upto ten years and shall be coupled with the
owner's obligation to prove the working of the


each year as from the third year after it has been granted
and to pay the relevant annual fees.

Section 6

Rights and Obligations

22.	 RiRhts of a Patentee

A patentee shall have the exclusive right to make, use
or otherwise exploit the patented invention. A rthird
party cannot exploit the patented invention


securing the patentee's consent.

The patentee shall not have import monopoly right
over the products of the patented invention in Ethio­


23.	 Acquisition of Rights
Rights granted to a patentee shall be acquired and be hind­
ing on third parties upon the grant of a patent.

Select target paragraph3