Negarit Gazeta -
No. 25 -
.Hlth May 1995 -
Page 222
Where the Commission determines that the appliea
tion is acceptable, it shall undertake or cause to
undertaken a suhstantive examination of the inven
Section 4
l ssuance. Contents and Duration of a
Patent and Annual Fees
14. Grant of a Patent
A patent shall he granted to an applicant upon Iulfil
Iment of the requirements of this
proclamation and
the regulations issued thereunder.
~hen a
patent is groanted, the Commission shall:
publish a reference to the grant of the patent in
an Official Gazette;
b) issue_to_t1I~appliCl!nLaC~lj:gillatf'lQf~h!LgntnLof
the patent and a copy of the patent;
record the patent; and
d) make available copies of the patent to any person
on payment of the prescribed fees.
The Commission shall, upon request of the owner of
the patent, make changes in the text or drawings of
the patent in order to limit the extent of the protec
tion conferred thereby, provided that the change may
not result in the disclosure
contained in the patent
going beyond the disclosure
contained in the initial
application on the basis of which the patent was grant
15. Contents 0/ A Patent
The patent shall certify the exclusive rights of the patentee
over his invention and contain other particulars prescribed
in the regulations.
16. Duration of A Patent
A patent shall he granted for an initial period of fifteen
years commencing from the filling date of the application
for protection. However, the validity of the patent may be
extended for a further period of five years provided that
proof is furnished that the invention is being properly
worked in Ethiopia.
17. Annual Fees
1. In order to maintain the patent or the patent applica
tion, an annual fee shall be paid in advance to the
Commission for each year, starting one year after the
filing date of the application for grant of the patent.
A period of grace of six months shall be allowed for
the late pavment of the annual fee on payment of the
prescribed surcharge.
If an annual fee is not paid in accordance with the
provisions of sub·article (1-) of this article, the patent
application shall be deemed to have been withdrawn
or the patent shall lapse.