Act 3

Industrial Property Act


“Patent Cooperation Treaty” means the Patent Cooperation
Treaty signed on June, 1970 the Regulations made made
under the administrative instructions under that Treaty as
revised, amended and modified;
“priority date” means the date of the first application that serves
as the basis for claiming the right of priority provided for in
the Paris Convention;
“priority user” has the meaning given to it in section 41;
“receiving office” means an office designated under section 34;
“register” means the register of industrial property rights under
section 5;
“registrar” means the officer designated as registrar of industrial
property under the Uganda Registration Services Bureau
Act and includes the deputies and assistants of that officer;
“self-replicable matter” means any matter possessing the genetic
material necessary to direct its own replication by way of a
host organism or in any other indirect way;
“surcharge” means a fee prescribed under this Act in respect of
delayed payment;
“utility model” means any form, configuration or disposition of
element of some appliance, utensil, tool, electrical and
electronic circuitry, instrument, handicraft mechanism or
other object or any part of it allowing a better or different
functioning, use, or manufacture of the subject matter or that
gives some utility, advantage, environmental benefit, saving
or technical effect not previously available in Uganda; and
includes microorganisms or other self-replicable material,
products of genetic resources and herbal as well as
nutritional formulations which give new effects;
“World Trade Organisation” means the World Trade
organisation, established in 1995 by the Uruguay Round of
multilateral trade negotiations under the auspices of GATT
(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, based on a 1947

Select target paragraph3