Act 3	

Industrial Property Act


3.	 Registrar.
(1) (1) The Registrar General appointed under the Uganda
Registration Services Bureau Act shall be the Registrar of industrial
(2) The registrar shall have a seal of a device approved by the
Minister, but until the seal has been obtained a stamp in a form
approved by the Minister shall be issued instead of the seal.
(3) The mpression of the seal or stamp shall be judicially noticed
and admitted in evidence.
(4) Any act or thing directed to be done by or to the registrar may
be done by or to any officer authorized by the Minister.
4.	 Functions of the registrar.
(1) The functions of the registrar are—
(a)	 to receive, consider and grant applications for industrial
property rights;
(b)	 to receive, and register technology transfer agreements and
(c)	 to provide to the public industrial property information for
technological and economic development and maintain
links with users and potential users of industrial property
(d)	 to promote inventiveness and innovativeness in Uganda; and
(e)	 to perform any other functions for the better carrying out of
this Act.
(2) In the carrying out of his or her functions, the registrar shall
liaise with relevant institutions.

Select target paragraph3