Act 3

Industrial Property Act


“international classification” as regards industrial designs,
means classification in accordance with the Locarno
Agreement of October, 1968;
“invention” means a new and useful art whether producing a
physical effect or not, process, machine, manufacture or
composition of matter which is not obvious, or a new and
useful improvement of it which is not obvious, capable of
being used or applied in trade or industry; and includes an
alleged invention;
“inventor” means the person who actually devises the invention
as defined in section 8; and includes the legal representative
of the inventor;
“licence contract” means a contract or an agreement by which a
person grants permission to use his or her industrial
property rights, know-how, or other technical information
or technical services;
“licensee” means a person licensed under a contract which is
registered or taken to be registered under this Act;
“licensor” means a party to a licence contract who grants the
permission under a contract registered or taken to be
registered under this Act;
“Minister” means the Minister responsible for justice;
“National Council for Science and Technology” means the
Council established by section 1 of the Uganda National
Council for Science and Technology Act;
“Paris Convention” means the Paris Convention for the
Protection of Industrial Property, of 20th March, 1883, as
“patent” means the title granted to protect an invention;

Select target paragraph3