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4. The Arbitration Commission shall meet upon convocation by its Chairman to discuss
a specific agenda. The Chairman shall convene the Commission at the request of the
Minister of Culture or of two thirds of its members.
5. The Commission's deliberations shall be valid only if at least two thirds of the
members are present or represented. If there is no quorum, the Commission shall be
convened again within 10 days, at which time no quorum shall be required. In the event
of a tied vote, the Chairman shall have the deciding vote.
6. The legal offices of the Ministry of Culture shall serve as the Commission's
7. The Commission's operating costs shall be paid from the budget of the Ministry of
Article 13: Remuneration for private copying of phonograms and videograms shall be
determined by order of the Minister of Culture.
Article 14: The length of a recording, in the absence of proof to the contrary, shall be
that declared by the manufacturer or importer.
Article 15: Remuneration shall apply to the blank recording media referred to in Article
70 of the aforementioned Law.
Article 16: Remuneration for private copying of printed works shall be five per cent (5%)
of the sale price of the reproduction equipment.
Article 17: Any equipment for the reproduction of printed works shall be subject to the
remuneration referred to in Article 16 above.
Article 18: Only one collective management organization may be established in each of
the categories of copyright or neighboring rights set out below:
- category A: literature and dramatic, dramatico-musical, choreographic and other
similar arts;
- category B: musical art;
- category C: audiovisual and photographic arts;
- category D: graphic and three-dimensional arts.
Article 19: No organization may engage in collective management without the approval
of the Minister of Culture.
Article 20: Approval shall be granted to an organization on application, where it meets
the conditions set out below:
- it takes the form of a non-profit-making civil association or legal entity;
- it is constituted in accordance with the laws and regulations in force;

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