(2) Where non-customary units of measure are used they shall be accompanied by a
definition or a bibliographic reference.
18. The description may not comprise:
(a) drawings within the text or in the margin, with the exception of developed
graphical, chemical or mathematical formulae;
(b) alterations or overwriting;
(c) non-initialled margin references or crossed out words;
(d) pages which do not bear the signature of the applicant or his agent.
19.—(1) The text of the description shall be typewritten or printed on one side only of
A4-sized paper (29.7 cm x 21 cm) which shall not be folded.
(2) The pages of the text shall comprise a left-hand margin of between 3 and 4 cm.
(3) The other margins shall be of 2 cm.
(4) A space equivalent to 1.5 lines shall be left between lines of the text of the
description; these lines shall be numbered in fives at the beginning of the line.
(5) Writing shall be indelible and of black color.
(6) All sheets shall be numbered in arabic numerals.
(7) All text shall be drawn up in characters in which the capital letters are at least
0.21 cm high.
Section III
The Claims
20. The content of the claims shall determine the scope of protection afforded by the
patent or the inventor’s certificate; however, the description and the drawings shall serve,
where appropriate, to interpret the claims.
21. The following rules shall be adopted for the presentation of the claims:
(a) the claims shall be drafted in terms of the technical features of the invention;
(b) they shall be drafted as clearly and concisely as possible on one side of A4-sized
paper and shall be entirely supported by the description, in accordance with Article 18(2) of
the Ordinance;
(c) they shall be ordered in a systematic, clear and logical manner and shall be
numbered continuously in arabic numerals. Where there is only one claim, it shall be
designated “sole claim”;
(d) they shall not, as a general rule, contain either references to the description or the
drawings or, in particular, terms such as, for example, “as described in part ... of the
description” or “as illustrated in figure ... of the drawings”;
(e) the reference signs referring, in the drawings, to the technical features of the
invention shall be included, in brackets, in the claims, if the intelligibility of the claims is
thereby increased. They shall not have the effect of limiting the claims.

Select target paragraph3