(3) Paragraphs (1) and (2), above, shall also apply to the filing of trademarks, industrial
designs and trade names.
15.—(1) The application and any declarations or documents accompanying the
application shall be filed in three copies; the Office may request the applicant to provide
additional copies.
(2) All elements contained in the application shall be presented in a manner enabling
them to be reproduced by the Office.
Section II
The Description
16.—(1) The description shall comprise:
(a) the title of the invention as given in the application;
(b) reference to the technical field to which the invention relates;
(c) reference to the background art, known to the applicant, which may be considered
useful for understanding, searching and examining the invention; the documents that reflect
the background art shall be cited wherever possible;
(d) a disclosure of the invention as claimed enabling the technical problem and its
solution to be understood; where appropriate, the advantageous effects of the invention with
reference to the background art shall be stated;
(e) a brief description of the drawings, if any;
(f) a description of the best way envisaged and known to the applicant for carrying out
the invention; the description should normally comprise examples and references to the
drawings if any;
(g) a description of the way in which the invention is capable of application in industry,
if such application is not obvious from the description or the nature of the invention.
(2) The description shall be presented in the manner and order set out in paragraph (1),
above, unless the nature of the invention does not admit of a more understandable and more
economic presentation.
17.—(1) Where the understanding of the invention requires the use of the customary
units of measure, such units shall be expressed in the following manner:
(a) the units of the metric system shall be given in decimal units;
(b) temperature shall be expressed in degrees Celsius or centigrade;
(c) density shall be reduced to the specific weight;
(d) the values for heat, energy, light, sound, magnetism as also mathematical formulae
and electrical units shall comply with the rules generally admitted in international practice;
(e) for chemical formulae, the symbols for elements, atomic weights and molecular
formulae in general use shall be employed;
(f) use shall be made alone of the terms, signs and technical symbols generally accepted
in the field in question and the terminology and the signs used in the patent application shall
be consistent.

Select target paragraph3