(2) If the application contains more than one invention, the Office shall invite the
applicant, pursuant to Article 21(2) of the Ordinance, by written notification, to divide his
application into as many applications as there are separate inventions, within the time limits
set out in Article 13(4) of this Decree.
(3) If, on expiry of those time limits, the applicant has not replied satisfactorily to the
notifications from the Office, the application shall be deemed inadmissible.
30. Up to the date of issue of a patent or an inventor’s certificate, the applicant may, on
his own initiative, file applications that divide up his initial application, on payment of the fee
laid down in Annex I.
31. Where an application is divided up in accordance with Articles 29 and 30 of this
Decree, each divisional application shall comply with the requirements of Articles 11 and 12
of this Decree.
Section VII
Claim to Priority
32. The declaration of priority shall state, in addition to the information required by
Article 22(1)(i) of the Ordinance, the following particulars:
(a) if the earlier filing is a regional international application, the name of the State or
States for which it has been filed;
(b) if the earlier application is a national application, the Office with which it has been
33. Where the priority of several earlier applications is claimed, the particulars of such
earlier applications may be given in a single declaration.
34. If the formalities relating to the priority claim have not been satisfied in the
prescribed manner and within the prescribed time limits, the claim to priority shall be deemed
Section VIII
Disclosure for the Purposes of the State of the Art
35.—(1) An applicant who does not wish account to be taken, for the purposes of the
state of the art, of a disclosure of the invention referred to in Article 5(2) and (3) of the
Ordinance shall make a relevant statement in the application and shall supply in writing,
either with the application or within a period of two months as from filing of the application,
all the information relating to such disclosure.
(2) Where disclosure has been made at an officially recognized exhibition within the
meaning of Article 5(2) of the Ordinance, the applicant shall supply within the
above-mentioned two-month period a duly authenticated certificate issued by the authority
responsible for the exhibition and containing information on that exhibition and stating that
the invention has effectively been shown there.
Section IX
Correction and Withdrawal of Application
36.—(1) If an applicant amends his application prior to issue of a patent or an
inventor’s certificate, his request for amendment shall be submitted in writing, duly signed by

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