(4) the scale of the drawings and their graphical execution shall be such that a
photographic reproduction enables all details to be distinguished without difficulty. If the
scale is given on a drawing, it shall be represented graphically;
(5) the numbers, letters and reference signs appearing on the drawings shall be simple
and clear; brackets, circles or inverted commas shall not be used in association with numbers
and letters;
(6) the reference signs used in the drawings shall correspond to those used in the
description or the claims;
(7) where there is more than one figure for the understanding of the invention, those
figures must be clearly separated one from the other by a 1 cm space and numbered
independently of the sheet numbering;
(8) where a figure comprises a number of detached parts, those parts shall be joined by
a brace;
(9) each page of drawings shall be signed and dated by the applicant after the phrase
“certified in compliance with the invention.”
26.—(1) The drawings shall not contain text matter, except, when absolutely
indispensable, a single word or words such as “water,” “steam,” “open,” “closed,” “section on
AB” and, in the case of electric circuits and block schematic or flowsheet diagrams, a few
short catchwords indispensable for understanding.
(2) Each word used shall be placed in such a way that if translated, its translation may
be glued over it without covering any line of the drawings.
Section V
The Abstract
27. The abstract constitutes a concise summary of the technical content of the
invention. It shall identify the technical field to which the invention belongs and shall enable
ready understanding of the problem raised, the gist of the technical solution provided by the
invention and the principle uses of the invention. It may, where appropriate, state the
chemical formula which, among those contained in the application, best characterizes the
28.—(1) The abstract serves exclusively for the purposes of technical information and
(2) The abstract shall be as concise as disclosure permits and, preferably, shall not
exceed 20 lines.
(3) It shall be accompanied, where appropriate, by the most significant of the drawings
supplied by the applicant.
(4) It shall not constitute a patent document and may not, therefore, be taken into
account to claim the rights deriving from the patent.
Section VI
Unity of Invention
29.—(1) The Office shall examine whether the application concerns only one invention
pursuant to Article 21(1) of the Ordinance.

Select target paragraph3