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(a)	 where that word or symbol is used in physical association with other words
delineated in characters at least as large as those in which that \\/0 rd or symbol
is delineated and indicating that the reference is to registration as a trade mark
under the law of a country outside Swaziland being a country under the law of
which the registration referred to is in fact If} force;

(b)	 where that word (being a word other than the word "registered") or symbol is
of itself such as to indicate that the reference is to such registration as is referred
to in paragraph (a); or
(c)	 where that word or symbol is used in relation to a trade mark registered as a
t.rade mark under the law of a country outside Swaziland and in re1ation to
goods or services to be exported to that country;
Deceiving the Registrar or other Officer.
(1)	 Any person who ­

(a)	 for the purpose of deceiving the Registrar or any other Officer of the Tra de
Marks Office in the performance of any functi on under this Act; or
(b)	 for the purpose of procuring or influencing the doing or omission of
in relation to this Act or any matter thereunder;


makes or submits a false statement or· representation, whether orally or in writing, knowing
the same to be false, shall be guilty of an offence.
(2) Any person who has made a statement or representation whether orally or in wri­
ting, not knowing it to be false, for the purpose or procuring or influencing the doing or
omission of anything in relation to this Act or any rn.atter there-under, shall advise the Re­
gistrar forthwith of such falsity on becoming aware of it and if he fails to do so he shall be
guilty of an offence,

58. Any person who is convicted of an offence under this Act shall be liable to a fine
E2000 or to imprisonment for six months or both.



Reclassification of exi sting trade marks.
59. Every trade mark which, on the commencement of this Act, is registered and classified
under a classification other than the International Classification shall, upon application for
the renewal thereof under section 29, be reclassified in accordance with the Internationa 1


0/ Existing Registration.

60. (1) Subject to this section, the validity of the original registration of any trade mark in
the Register of Trade Marks existing at the commencement of this Act shall be determined in
accordance with the law in force at the date of that registration, and any such trade mark shall
retain its original date of registration but for all other purposes shall be deemed to have been
registered under this Act.

Select target paragraph3