Act 3

Industrial Property Act


(iii) registration of an industrial design; or
(iv) a certificate of technovation;
“ARIPO” means the African Regional Intellectual Property
“ARIPO Office” means the Secretariat managing the African
Regional Intellectual Property Organisation (ARIPO),
formerly known as Industrial Property Organisation, for the
English- speaking Africa (ESARIPO) established by the
Lusaka Agreement of 9th December 1976 as amended;
“Bureau” means the Uganda Registration Services Bureau
established by the Uganda Registration Services Bureau Act;
“compulsory licence” means an authorization given by the
competent authority to a person, firm or a private or stateowned or state-controlled entity, to exploit a patent, a utility
model, a layout-design or an industrial design in Uganda
without the approval of the rights owner;
“concerned Minister” means the Minister to whose ministry the
information in an application relates;
“Court’ means the High Court of Uganda;
“cross-licence” means a licence to enable a person to use his or
her own patent together with an earlier patent without
which his or her own patent cannot be worked without
infringing rights derived from the earlier patent;
“currency point” has the meaning given to it in the Schedule;
“designated office” means an office designated under section 34;
“divisional application” has the meaning given to it by section 23;
“elected office” means an office designated under section 34;

Select target paragraph3