Electronic Transactions
No. 33
the participation of Malawi in the information age and economy
and in particular__
(i) to ensure that the development, deployment and exploitation of information and communication technology within the
economy and society and related legal provisions shall balance
as well as protect community and individual interests,
including privacy and data protection issues;
(ii) to address ethical issues in the use of information and
communication technology in order to protect the rights of
children and the under-privileged;
(iii) in liaison with the Malawi Revenue Authority, to create
a legal framework for favourable tax policies that promote
information and communication technology products and
services that originate from within Malawi; and
(iv) to provide a responsive and efficient regulatory
environment, promote economic subsectors, asset accumulation and tax activities that arise from the use of information and
communication technology;
(b) to ensure that information and communication technology
users are protected from undesirable impacts of information and
communication technology, including the spread of pornographic
material, cyber-crime and digital fraud; and
(c) to put in place mechanisms that safeguard information and
communication technology users from fraud, breach of privacy,
misuse of information and immoral behaviour brought by the use
of information and communication technology.
4. The following principles shall, at all times, be adhered to in
the implementation and application of this Act__
(a) e-transactions shall benefit from a secure legal framework
that recognizes the legal value of electronic transactions and
electronic documents;
(b) freedom of communication over electronic networks shall
be promoted, with the exception of specific reasons as provided
for in this Act;
(c) there shall be clear and fair specification of responsibilities
of intermediaries and editors; and
of this Act
(d) consumer's rights shall be respected, protected and
5. Unless otherwise provided in this Act, the Authority shall be
responsible for the implementation of this Act.