Chapter I
Filing of Application
Section I
General Provisions
11. Applications for a patent or an inventor’s certificate shall be made using the
prescribed form, given at Annex II. Such application shall contain the following information:
(a) type of industrial property title sought;
(b) title of the invention;
(c) surname and forename or business name, together with the full address, nationality
and place of residence of the applicant. Where the applicant is not himself the inventor, the
application shall state how his right to obtain a patent or inventor’s certificate has been
acquired; the Office may require from him proof of his right to obtain such patent or such
(d) the surname and forename, together with the full address, place of residence and
nationality of the inventor;
(e) where appropriate, the surnames and forenames or the business name, together with
the full address, of the agent or representative;
(f) where appropriate, the claim or claims to priority;
(g) number, filing date and date of issue of the main patent if the application seeks to
protect an improvement in the form of a certificate of addition;
(h) symbol or symbols of the International Patent Classification; the Office may amend
the symbols given by the applicant;
(i) identification of the fees paid;
(j) list of the documents transmitted;
(k) applicant’s signature.
12. The application shall be accompanied by:
(a) a description of the invention, with the claim or claims, where appropriate, the
drawing or drawings referred to in the description and an abstract of the invention intended
for publication in accordance with Articles 16 to 28 of this Decree;
(b) where appropriate, the declaration of priority drawn up in accordance with the form
prescribed in Annex II, together with other priority documents, under the conditions and
within the time limits laid down in Article 22 of the Ordinance;
(c) the voucher evidencing payment of the prescribed fees and enabling a receipt to be
drawn up and to be authenticated by the Office in accordance with Article 23(2) of the

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