- draws lessons from the international tariff practice.
Article 38 : Mobile operators. For this purpose, the
Telecommunications / ICT Regulatory Agency shall consider:
- costs of termination of the mobile networks and fixed networks;
- fees and tariff structures, the retail and interconnection prices and the sharing out of incomes
between the original and terminating operators within the framework of a call from a fixed
network towards a mobile network and a mobile network towards a fixed network;
- possible refitting in the tariff structures of the retail and interconnection prices;
- relevance of the interconnection market;
- the relevance of the mobile termination market;
- identification of the powerful operators in these markets and implementation of measures
are essential and able to support the development.
Chapter III: System Specific to the Operators

Page 17
wer on a relevant market, Telecommunications / ICT Regulatory Agency shall:
- collect information on each identified market to measure the predominance;
consult the actors of the Telecommunications / ICT market concerned, on the relevance of the
- define the measuring criteria of predominance;
- hold consultations of the actors of the Telecommunications / ICT market concerned, on the
to the operators having a significant power for each market.
The Regulatory Agency conducts the analysis of markets in order
to determine whether they have an actual competitive character or not.
In the case where the analysis confirms that the market is actually
competitive, it cancels the possible obligations which have been applying hitherto;

Select target paragraph3