

Policy Statement
Postal Sector Policy
Telecommunications Policy
Information Technology Policy

The Government is committed to enhancing economic growth, wealth and employment creation.
The Government recognizes the economic value and benefits of ICT for the realization of its
development goals and objectives.  ICT forms part of the overall reform agenda for citizen
empowerment, enhanced democracy and socio-economical development necessary for
achieving an e-enabled society.
The Government is aware of the fact that the software and hardware industry are two sides of
the gold coin that would enable South Sudan to emerge as a regional IT hub. In the realization
of this objective, the Government will undertake a number of initiatives such as the
establishment of a High Level Institutional Framework to coordinate ICT policy development,
implementation, monitoring and evaluation; promote e-Government services; promote ICT
Human Resource Development; enhance investments in ICT; and create partnerships with all
stakeholders in the sector. The over-arching goal of this policy framework is therefore to ensure
a more accessible, equitable, efficient, affordable and effective telecommunications and postal
services sectors.

The postal service is, broadly, the carriage of physical communications and light goods both by
public and private enterprise.  The postal service has a unique social role in providing for the
carriage of private letters and parcels, thereby encouraging social integration and harmony and
helping families and friends to remain in contact.
This role is recognised by almost every government by obliging the public postal operator of
South Sudan to provide all citizens with reasonable access to basic services at relatively low,
uniform prices.  Postal services are much more accessible to the bulk of the population than
telecommunications services because of their relatively low prices and wide geographical
The Post is a necessity for international and domestic trade and commerce and is recognised
as a vital part of the information infrastructure of South Sudan.  International studies have
shown that a good quality postal service acts as a driver, as opposed to merely a facilitator, of


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