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ined the book of specifications annexed to the licenses of mobile services.
The national roaming service will be ensured under objective, transparent and non discriminatory
conditions. This service is subject to a private law convention between mobile operators. This one
and the requirements of the national roaming service. It is
to the Telecommunications / ICT Regulatory Agency.
To guarantee the equality of the conditions of competition or interoperability of the services, the
Regulatory Agency may require modification of the national roaming agreements of
entered into.
Inconveniences relating to the entry into or
National Roaming Agreement is submitted to the National Regulatory Authority.
The Regulatory Agency must publish guidelines specific to the national roaming which allow the
operators to set the tariff, the technical and commercial conditions of the national roaming, in
collaboration with the actors of the market.
Article 37 :
The mobile operators are must offer international roaming service to their subscribers.
The allocation of the licenses must take into account the compatibility of mobile systems with the
The Telecommunications / ICT Regulatory Agency
roaming. For this purpose, it:
- inquires into the prices of roaming practices within Community spaces; holds consultations with
the actors concerned in order to reach reasonable rates allowing maximum of roaming service
user in the area to be able to use the networks at the best prices and quality;
- identify the operators practicing abusive tariffs and requests
- allows the subscribers of prepaid services to benefit from roaming services at reasonable tariffs;
- informs clearly and transparently

Select target paragraph3