Article 34
(Registration of a series of marks)
The inclusion in one single registration of a series of marks from the same
enterprise or establishment, whether the same as or different from one another,
shall be permitted, irrespective of the indication of products, prices or quality.
Article 35
(Marks excluded from protection)
By virtue of this law, the registration of marks that do not comply with the
provisions of Article 31, or marks some or all of the elements of which contain the
following, shall be refused:
a) false indications or indications liable to mislead the public as to the nature,
characteristics or usefulness of the products or services using the mark;
b) false indications concerning geographical origin, manufacture, ownership,
office or establishment;
c) symbols such as insignia, flags, arms or official signs adopted by the State,
commissariats, international organizations or any other public entities,
whether Angolan or foreign, without due authorization from these bodies;
d) signatures, names or establishment names that do not belong to the person
applying for the mark or which said applicant is authorized to use;
e) reproduction or imitation, in whole or in part, of a mark previously registered
by another person for the same or similar products or services, which could
be misleading or could cause confusion in the marketplace;
f) expressions or drawings contrary to common decency or that contravene
the law or public policy;
g) individual names or likenesses without due authorization from the persons
to whom they relate.
Article 36
(Transfer of ownership of a mark)
1. Ownership of a registered mark may be transferred either free of charge, or for
a remuneration.
2. Unless otherwise provided, the transfer of an establishment shall presuppose
the assignment of ownership of the mark.
3. The transfer of ownership of a mark shall be conducted with the legal
formalities required for the transfer of the goods it accompanies.