Any disposal of the rights provided for in Articles (5) paragraph one, (7) paragraph one
and (9) shall be regarded as null and void.
The author may dispose of his rights in the work, whether whole or partial, on the basis
of a share percentage in the revenue resulting from utilization of the work.
However, if it is revealed that the agreement was unfair to the author's rights or becomes
so because of conditions which occurred after the agreement, the judge may according to
the circumstances and after comparing the interests of the two parties decide in favour of
the author, an increase over the agreed net profit realized from the work's utilization.
Article (41)
It shall be regarded as null and void the disposal of all the author's future intellectual
Article (42)
If the ownership of the original copy of any type of work of art is transferred, this shall
not include the transfer of the copyright in that work. However, the transferee shall not be
obligated to grant the author the right to copy, reproduce or display the work, unless
otherwise agreed.
Article (43)
The author shall have exclusive right, if serious moral reasons arise, to ask the court of
first instance to decide the withdrawal of his work from circulation or the introduction of
substantial modifications to it, in spite of his disposal of the financial exploitation rights.
The author shall be obligated in this case to pay to the party to which the financial
exploitation devolved a fair compensation to be estimated by the court, which may decide
to obligate the author to pay this compensation in advance within a certain period of time,
otherwise this will invalidate the decision of the court, or the court may obligate the
author to present a guarantor acceptable to it.
Chapter One

The court of first instance may, at the request of the concerned parties, order making a
detailed description of the work which was illegally published or re-published, or the
seizure of the original copy, its copies or photocopies, as well as the material used in re-

Select target paragraph3