(h) the date of publication of the application;

the address for service of the applicant;


if the applicant dies, a notice of that fact; and

(k) any other information required under the Act or these
Regulations or that the registrar considers appropriate.
(3) The register for industrial property rights granted under the Act
shall contain—
(a) the number of the industrial property right granted;
(b) the name and address of the owner of the industrial property
(c) the date of the grant of the industrial property right;
(d) any conditions attached to the grant;
(e) the address for service of the owner of the industrial property

any change in ownership of the industrial property right;

(g) any information relating to lapse of the industrial property
(h) information relating to revocation or invalidation of industrial
property rights; and

any other information required under the Act or these
Regulations or that the registrar considers appropriate.

(4) A person who wishes to obtain an extract from the industrial
property register shall make a request in Form 1.

Select target paragraph3