(2) For the avoidance of doubt, the registrar shall not accept an
application to register a patent, utility model, industrial design or
technovation relating to pharmaceutical products, micro-biological
products and processes for producing pharmaceutical products, until 1st
January 2016, or such other period as may be granted to Uganda or least
developed countries by the council responsible for administering the
agreement on trade related aspects of intellectual property under the
World Trade Organization.

Register of industrial property.
(1) For the purposes of section 5 of the Act, the registrar may, in the
register of industrial property applications and the register for industrial
property rights, separate applications or grants relating to—
(a) patents;
(b) utility models;
(c) industrial designs; and
(d) technovations.
(2) The register for industrial property applications shall contain—

the application number and the filing date of the application;
the name and address of the applicant;
the title of the invention;
the industrial property right claimed by the applicant;
the name and address of the inventor unless the inventor has
indicated that they wish not to be named in the application
under section 20 of the Act;


where priority is claimed, the priority date and the name of the
country in which or for which the earlier application was filed;

(g) the date of the request for an examination submitted under
section 31(2) of the Act;

Select target paragraph3