Ordinance No. 89-019 Establishing Arrangements
for the Protection of Industrial Property in Madagascar
(of July 31, 1989)*

Title I:
Section 1:
Section 2:
Section 3:
Section 4:
Section 5:
Section 6:
Section 7:
Section 8:
Title II:
Section 1:
Section 2:
Section 3:
Section 4:
Section 5:
Section 6:
Section 7:
Section 8:
Title III:
Section 1:
Section 2:
Section 3:
Section 4:
Section 5:
Section 6:
Title IV:
Section 1:
Section 2:
Title V:

[Without title]................................................................
Provisions on Patents and Inventors’ Certificates
General Provisions ........................................................
Right to a Patent or an Inventor’s Certificate ................
Grant of Patents and Inventors’ Certificates..................
Rights Deriving from a Patent or an Inventor’s
Assignment and Transfer of Rights, Licenses ...............
Special Register ............................................................
Infringement of Rights and Legal Action......................
International Applications.............................................
Provisions on Trademarks
General Provisions ........................................................
Right to a Mark .............................................................
Procedure ......................................................................
Rights Deriving from Registration ................................
Transfer of Marks, Licenses..........................................
Collective Marks ...........................................................
Cancellation and Lapse of Registrations .......................
Infringement of Rights and Legal Proceedings .............
Provisions on Industrial Designs
General Provisions ........................................................
Right to Protection ........................................................
Registration Procedure ..................................................
Rights Afforded by Registration of an Industrial
Design ...........................................................................
Assignment and Licensing of Industrial Designs ..........
Infringement of Rights and Legal Proceedings .............
Provisions on Trade Names and Unfair Competition
Trade Names .................................................................
Repression of Unfair Competition ................................
Miscellaneous and Transitional Provisions ...................

3 - 11
12 - 16
17 - 26
27 - 33
34 - 37
38 - 40
41 - 45
46 - 54
55 - 57
58 - 59
60 - 65
66 - 70
71 - 77
78 - 82
84 - 87
88 - 91
92 - 96
97 - 103
104 - 109
110 - 112
113 - 116
117 -130
132 - 142

Select target paragraph3