Chapter II:
Section I:
Section II:
Section III:
Chapter III:
Section I:
Section II:
Section III:
Chapter IV:
Title IV:
Chapter I:
Section I:
Section II:
Section III:
Chapter II:
Chapter III:
Section I:
Section II:
Section III:
Title V:
Chapter I:
Chapter II:
Chapter III:
Chapter IV:
Chapter V:
Title VI:
Chapter I:
Chapter II:

Examination, Registration and Publication of a
Administrative Examination .........................................
Substantive Examination...............................................
Registration and Publication .........................................
Rights Afforded by Registration of Trademark
Renewal of Registration................................................
Loss and Restoration of Rights .....................................
Transfer of Trademark and Licensing ...........................
Special Provisions on Collective Marks........................
Industrial Designs
Filing of Application
General Provisions ........................................................
Priority Claim................................................................
International Exhibitions...............................................
Examination and Registration .......................................
Rights Afforded by Registration
Renewal of Registration................................................
Restoration of Rights ....................................................
Transfer and Licensing..................................................
Trade Names
Filing of Application.....................................................
Examination and Registration .......................................
Renewal of Trade Names ..............................................
Assignment and Transfer of Trade Names....................
Special Provisions .........................................................
Transitional and Final Provisions
Transitional Provisions .................................................
Final Provisions ............................................................

95 - 97
99 - 104
105 - 106
107 - 108
109 - 110
111 - 114

115 - 120
123 - 126
127 - 128
131 - 135
136 - 137
138 - 139
142 - 146
147 - 149

1.—(1) This Decree specifies certain provisions of Ordinance No. 89-019 of
July 31, 1989, on the protection of industrial property in Madagascar, hereinafter referred to
as “the Ordinance.”
(2) The term “Office” as used in this Decree shall mean the agency responsible for
administering industrial property in Madagascar, as referred to in Article 2 of the Ordinance.
2.—(1) Documents, instruments and correspondence relating to patents and inventors’
certificates shall be written, subject to the provisions of Article 82 of this Decree, in the
Malagasy language or the French language. The Office may request that documents written
in Malagasy be translated into French or vice versa.
(2) Documents, instruments and correspondence relating to trademarks, industrial
designs and trade names shall be written in Malagasy accompanied by a translation into
French or in French.
(3) If documents are written in languages other than those specified in paragraphs (1)
and (2), above, the applicant shall enjoy, in accordance with Article 13 of this Decree, a
period of time in which to submit a translation in one of the prescribed languages.

Select target paragraph3