Act 3	

Industrial Property Act


(b)	 where the concerned Minister determines that the publication
of the application or the publication or communication of the
information would be prejudicial to the safety of the public, the
Minister shall notify the registrar, and the registrar shall
continue his or her directions under subsection (2) until they
are revoked under paragraph (e);
(c)	 where the concerned Minister determines that the
publication of the application, or the publication or
communication of the information would be prejudicial to
the defence of Uganda or the safety of the public, he or she
shall, unless a notice under paragraph (d) has previously
been given by the Minister responsible for defence or the
concerned Minister to the registrar; reconsider that question
during the period of nine months from the date of filing the
application and at least once in every subsequent period of
twelve months;
(d)	 where on the consideration of an application at any time it
appears to the concerned Minister that the publication of
the application, or the publication or communication of the
information, contained in it would not, or would no longer,
be prejudicial to the defence of Uganda or the safety of the
public, he or she shall give notice to the registrar to that
effect; and
(e)	 on receipt of a notice under paragraph (d), the registrar shall
revoke the directions and may, subject to conditions that the
registrar may consider fit, extend the time for doing
anything required or authorised to be done by or under this
Act in connection with the application, whether or not that
time had previously expired.
(5) The concerned Minister may, in determining a question
under subsection (4)(c)—

Select target paragraph3