Act 3	

Industrial Property Act


11.	 Inventive step.
An invention shall be considered as involving an inventive step if,
having regard to the prior art relevant to the application claiming the
inventions, it would not have been obvious to a person skilled in the
art to which the invention relates on the date of the filing of the
application or, if priority is claimed on the date validly claimed in
respect of the invention.
12.	 Industrial application.
An invention shall be considered industrially applicable if, according
to its nature, it can be made or used in any kind of industry, including
agriculture, medicine, fishery and other services.
13. Non-patentable inventions.
The following are not patentable—
(a)	 plant varieties as provided for in the law providing for the
protection of plant varieties;
(b)	 inventions contrary to public order, morality, public health and
safety, public policy, principles of humanity and environmental
14.	 Information prejudicial to security of Uganda or safety of
the public.
(1) Where an application for a patent is filed under this Act or
under any international convention to which Uganda is a party, and it
appears to the registrar that the application contains information of a
description notified to the registrar by the concerned Minister as
being information the publication of which might be prejudicial to the
security of Uganda, the registrar may give directions prohibiting or
restricting the publication of that information or its communication to
any specified person or persons.

Select target paragraph3