and moderators by publishing a notice in the Government Gazette, the
Patent Journal or other appropriate legal publications; and

The Board shall appoint for a period of three years, subject to annual
review, a course convenor, an examiner and a moderator in respect of
each of the subjects in Group 1 of regulation 9, and a course
convenor, two examiners and a moderator in respect of each of the
subjects in Group 2 of regulation 9, and the Chairperson shall advise
course convenors, examiners and moderators of their appointment.
Where appropriate the course convenor and the examiner can be the
same person.


The syllabuses for the subjects set out in regulation 9 shall be as follows:

Candidates will be introduced to the different forms of Intellectual
Property, including trade marks, copyright, selected national and
global emerging issues relevant to patent law;


This subject will cover a study of the Patents Act 1978 (as amended)
and regulations promulgated thereunder. The following topics,
together with selected case law that demonstrates the principles
applicable, will be included:
Patentable inventions, novelty and obviousness;
Administrative provisions;
The patent application and grant;
Effect, duration and maintenance;
Grounds for revocation and infringement
Corrections and amendments; and
General (Miscellaneous sections such as licences,
assignments and secret inventions).


A study of the Designs, Act of 1993 (as amended) and the regulations
promulgated thereunder. Reference might be made to the Designs Act
of 1967. The following topics, together with selected case law that
demonstrates the principles applicable, will be included:
What is a registered design;
Effect, duration and maintenance;
Application procedures;
Infringement, revocation and surrender; and
General (miscellaneous provisions such as licences and


A study of selected international patent laws, systems, conventions
and treaties. In studying these treaties, the emphasis will be on a
comparison of material provisions of these treaties/conventions with
relevant provisions of the South African Patents Act; and the extent to
which they affect the activities of the SA Patent Practitioner. The
following patent laws, systems, conventions and treaties will be

Select target paragraph3