rights shall be exercisable by his heirs.
Permitted free uses of a work
10. The following uses of a work under this Part, either in its original
language or in its translation, shall be permissible without the author's
consent and without the obligation to pay remuneration for the use of such
(a) in the case of any work that has been lawfully published:
(i) the reproduction, translation, adaptation, arrangement or
other transformation of such work exclusively for the user's
own personal or private use;
(ii) the inclusion, subject to mention of the source and the
name of the author, of quotations from such work in another
work, provided that such quotations are compatible with fair
practice and their extent does not exceed that justified by
the purpose, including quotations from newspaper articles
and periodicals in the form of press summaries;
(iii) use of the work by way of illustration in publications,
broadcasts, programmes distributed by cable, or audiovisual works or sound recordings for teaching to the extent
justified by the purpose, or communication for teaching
purposes of the work broadcast or distributed by cable for
use in schools, universities and professional training,
provided that such use is compatible with fair practice and
that the source and the name of the author are mentioned in
the publication, the broadcast, the programme distributed by
cable or the recording;
(b) the distribution by cable of any work broadcast or played back
from lawful recording thereof, where the beneficiaries of the
distribution by cable live in one and the same building, or group of
buildings none of which is separated from another building by public
street or road, if the cable distribution originates in such building or
group of buildings and the distribution by cable is done without direct
or indirect gainful intent;
(c) in the case of any article published in newspapers or periodicals
on current economic, political, social or religious topics, and in the
case of any work of the same character broadcast or distributed by
cable, the reproduction of such article or such work in the press, or
the communication of it to the public, unless the article, when first

Select target paragraph3