Works in which copyright subsists
4. (1) Copyright shall subsist in accordance with this Act in:
(a) literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works:
(i) of an author who is a national of, or is resident in, Malawi;
(ii) which are first published in Malawi, irrespective of the
nationality or residence of their authors;
(b) expressions of folklore developed and maintained in Malawi;
(c) performances, if:
(i) the performer is a national of Malawi; or
(ii) the performance took place in Malawi; or
(iii) the performance is fixed in a sound recording qualifying
for copyright under paragraph (d); or
(iv) the performance, which has not been fixed in a sound
recording, is embodied in a broadcast qualifying for
protection under paragraph (e);
(d) audio-visual work and sound recording, where:
(i) the producer of audio-visual work or sound recording is a
national of, or is resident in, Malawi; or
(ii) the first fixation of the audiovisual work or sound
recording was made in Malawi; or
(iii) the audio-visual work or sound recording was first
published in Malawi;
(e) broadcasts, where:
(i) the headquarters of the broadcasting organization is
situated in Malawi; or
(ii) the broadcast was transmitted from a transmitter situated
in Malawi; and
(f) typographical arrangements of works published in Malawi.


Select target paragraph3