Industrial Property Regulations, 2002
claiming priority.
in each divisional application; and
the applicant shall pay the application fee
and any other fees payable in respect of the
additional applications resulting from the
21. (1) This Regulation applies with respect to a
declaration, referred to in section 37(1) of the Act,
claiming the priority, as provided for in the Paris
Convention, of one or more earlier national, regional or
international applications.
(2) The declaration shall include, in respect of
each earlier application —
the date and number of the earlier
the symbol of the international patent
classification that was assigned to the
earlier application or, if no such symbol
has been assigned, a statement of that fact;
if the earlier application was a national
application, the name of the state in which
it was filed; and
if the earlier application was a regional or
international application, the name of the
office in which it was filed and the name
of the state for which it was filed.
(3) If the number of the earlier application, as
required under paragraph (2)(a), is not known at
the time of making the declaration, a statement of
that fact shall be included in the declaration and
the declaration shall be amended to include the
number within ninety days after the application
containing the declaration is made.
(4) A certified copy of the earlier application
required by the Managing Director under section
37(2) of the Act shall be furnished within ninety