— receipt and registration of all acts relating to industrial property rights, licensing,
contracts and assignment of such rights;
— application of the provisions relating to industrial property, its protection, industrial
awards, appellations of origin and indications of source;
— application of the international treaties with respect to industrial property to which
Madagascar is party;
— control and registration of technology transfer.
6. For the execution of its tasks, the Office shall be entitled to carry out any industrial,
commercial or financial operation in relation to its duties defined in Article 5 of this Decree.
Title II
7. The Office shall have the following organs:
— the Administrative Council,
— the Directorate General.
Chapter I
Administrative Council
8. The Administrative Council is the organ that administers the Office. Its
responsibilities shall include:
(1) adopting the program of activities of the Office and ensuring it is implemented after
verification by the authority responsible for technical supervision of its compliance with the
sectorial policy of the department;
(2) establishing
— the general staff regulations of the Office in accordance with the provisions of the
Code of Labor,
— the organism and internal regulations of the Office,
— the allowances to be paid to the members of the Administrative Council;
(3) appointing, on a proposal by the Director General, the senior staff of the Office;
(4) adopting the budget of the Office;
(5) taking decisions on:
— any proposal for the construction and purchase of real estate,
— office equipment programs,
— any loan entered into by the Office,
— any disposal of the Office’s movable and fixed assets and any mortgage or pledging
of its assets;
(6) examining and approving the financial accounts and balance sheet at the end of the
financial period;

Select target paragraph3