No. 26
was made; and
(iii) in case of a fixation from a broadcast or a copy of an
audio visual work or a sound recording, that it is not to be made
by a student nor distributed or made available to students for
use in their private studies:
Provided that any copy made according to this paragraph shall
not be used for music accompaniment in educational activities
pertaining to dance, music, gymnastics or similar activities and
shall to be made available outside the premises of the
establishment or organization except as part of educational
activities which it normally carries out outside its own premises;
(c) the reproduction of a work, or the fixation of a broadcast of
a work, by a public or private institution, organization or
Provided that__
(i) the copy made renders the work in the same form as the
copy from which the reproduction was made and in which the
work has already been lawfully made available to the public,
and the electronic scanning of printed material and the making
of printouts from machinereadable material shall be
(ii) any fixation made from a broadcast does not include an
audiovisual work that is perceived as also intended for uses
other than presentation via broadcast, unless only minor parts
thereof are used in the broadcast from which the fixation was
made; and
(iii) the copies are to be used only within the circle of
employees and close associates of the institution, organization
or enterprise, or in particular proceedings, and only for
purposes that have no direct gainful intent, and any copy made
according to this paragraph shall not to be used for music
accompaniment to activities such as dance and gymnastics or
similar activities;
(d) the reproduction by a library, archive or museum
designated under section 48 of works in its collections for the
purpose of making the works available to the public, unless the
author has notified the Society in writing that any such use is
subject to the author’s authorization and such notification shall be
communicated to the licensed user:
Provided that the reproduction renders the work in the same
form as the copy from which the reproduction was made and in
which the work has already been lawfully made available to the