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(2) Within the time allowed under subsection (1) for acceptance
of commissioned work, the user may, once or repeatedly, return the
work to the author and require him to amend or correct the work
taking into consideration the purpose for which the creation of the
work was agreed upon and such requests shall be made in writing
and fix reasonable dates by which the amendment or correction
shall be done.
(3) Where the author fails to comply with a request made under
subsection (2), or if the amended or corrected work is still not
suitable for the stipulated purpose, the user may terminate the
Provided that the user shall be obliged to pay the author, in
consideration of the work done, an appropriate fee which shall be
less than the agreed remuneration for use of the commissioned
58.__(1) A broadcasting organization that is authorized by an
agreement with the Society to broadcast literary, musical or artistic
works, may, subject to the terms and conditions of the agreement,
also broadcast works of authors whom it does not represent:
Provided that__
(a) the work is of the same nature as works that are covered by
the agreement;
(b) the work has already been lawfully made available to the
(c) the author has not himself by notice to the broadcasting
organization and the Society, prohibited the broadcast of the
(d) the work is not broadcast in dramatic form;
(e) if the broadcast is made by satellite, it simulcasts a
terrestrial broadcast by the same broadcasting organization; and
(f) the licensing under this section does not exonerate the
organization from meeting its licensing requirements under any
written law.
(2) When simultaneous and unaltered rebroadcasting or cable
retransmission of the broadcast of works is permitted through an
agreement with the Society, and is made with the consent of the
broadcasting organization concerned, the rebroadcasting or
retransmission may, subject to the terms and conditions of the
agreement,�� include works of authors whom the broadcasting
organization does not represent: