Collection of Laws for Electronic Access



(a) the product is new; or
(b) a substantial likelihood exists that the product was made by the process and the
owner of the patent has been unable through reasonable efforts to determine the process
actually used.
(6) In requiring the production of evidence, the court before which the proceedings
referred to in subsection (4) take place, shall take into account the legitimate interests of the
alleged infringer in not disclosing his manufacturing and business secrets.
12. The Minister may make regulations prescribing all matters that are required or
permitted to give effect to this Act.
13. This Act shall come into force on a date to be fixed by Proclamation.
Passed by the National Assembly on the second day of July two thousand and two.
Andre Pompon
Clerk of the National Assembly


Unfair Competition, Act, 08/08/2002, No. 22

page 7/7

Select target paragraph3